Sunday, May 22, 2011

Fuckups so far...

I would not be writing this to glorify myself and to not admit mistakes.  So I will make a short list of my fuckups this year:

1)  The spring plants I had out had weak, loose, buds.  They were okay, if you are not a medical marijuana shop that only sells the best weed.  They would've kept me high all summer.  But i'm not in this to get high. II attribute this to the fact that there was a big old Metal halide lamp shining out the back of my house.  it fucked up the light cycle.  So all the plants outside went into the hash-o-lator.  Which didn't produce very much hash. 

2) My poor hash I chalk down to two things:

a) the bud was wet. I looked it up and they said you can use wet dope (just harvested) or dry (hung up in a cool dark place for a week or so). I used the just harvested dope and I got crap hash.

b) I didn't agitate the bud/ water mixutre enough.  It turns out that just pressing the buttton on one of these things and standing back won't work.  You have to get in there yourself with a wooden spoon and stir things up for a good 15 minutes. this got the best hash, but not much of it.

3)  I don't have enough clones yet and it's almost June!

This is a major fuck up.  I'm trying to play catch up with the clone situation but we'll see.  it had a lot to do with what I did late last month in order to determine the sex of my plants.  I SHOULD HAVE CLONED THE FEMININE ONES RIGHT AWAY, AS SOON AS I KNEW. BUT WE'RE TALKING A MATTER OF DAYS HERE, SO i GOT LAZY. k?

4)  i did F.i. m. on all my plants befrore I knew sex. THIS WAS STUPID.  you can do fim anytime.  but I don't think it hurt the plants.  it might have caused a couple to go hermie, though but I doubt it.  I got the usual amount of good mothers from the average seed pack.  I was just being too optomistic, too early.

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